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It is Our Job to not only Help You, but to make you Successful.

About Morgan Recruiting Group

Why choose our services

This may sound like a cliche, but 'we care'.  If you are an employer you want employees that are going to 'stick'. You want a staffing partner that understands you.  We take the time to know your business as well as you do. Also, we worked in your industry and know your pains.


If you are a candidate, we want to see you successful in the job best for you.  We hope you refer others to us because we made you better.

Our process

Conducting an extensive search on your own is a time consuming process that distracts your organization from what it does best.  At Morgan Recruiting Group we have developed a 5 part Strategic Hiring Plan that includes 22 steps.

This logical structured approach means we are not reinventing the wheel each time we undertake a new search.  You will know at all times what we have done and where we are going according to pre-defined timeframes.

Our obligation

We Guarantee a successful hire or we will replace the candidate if it does not work out within the first 90 days of employment.

After candidate is hired, we will ensure their success by working with the Manager and the Employee to ensure they are communicating and staying true to what was discussed in the interview.  

Any questions or thoughts?

We are always happy to help out!

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